

In Foreign Empire Invasion event players will be fighting against invaders. Which invaders? Everything you fought so far has been a test, but now it comes to the ultimate showdown. Your world, your empire, will have to compete against other worlds. In plain English: We will be running a "simulation" where selected Instances / worlds now fight against each other! Example: If Germany 1 and USA1 fought, who would emerge as the winner? Who will dominate the French, what about the British? Find out more:
  • The lords of a foreign empire will now appear as castles on the world map and can be attacked. It is not an actual human opponent, but a simulation of what fighting an opponent from that server would be like. The castle will have all the features of a real castle lord!
  • When you send an attack on the castle of the enemy, these castles will defend themselves and fight back.
  • Each player gets a handful of other castles close to their own that correspond to the players’ level. This happens on both instances, so you can see each other and can attack. Thus, one can only fight opponents that are in their own level range.
  • To prevent someone permanently being attacked by the same opponent, the system automatically replaces the castle of the enemy with a new one after you have defeated them, or when they have defeated you.
  • The same conditions exist for all players, the distances to the castles of strangers always the same. So it does not matter where they are on the map. Everyone has the same requirements.
  • The player name and the alliance of the foreign lords is not visible. The interaction will be limited to espionage and attacks.
  • Foreign castles will only be shown in the Great Empire. Therefore, you will only be able to attack main castles, but you can send troops from your Outposts.
  • When attacking the foreign castles and when defending their attacks, Glory points can be collected. By earning glory points you will also earn event points
  • The points can then be used to earn rewards such as troops. In addition, there is again a reward for the best players in the instance and of course the top 1 player in the form of exclusive decorations.
  • The two competing worlds will collect their own points. Therefore players on both instances will be able to claim rewards and the top player from both sides will get the reward.
  • This event will run for about a week and then take a break. You can use this time to prepare your castle again and train new troops.
  • When the event starts again, other instances can be assigned as opponents.

Here's what the castles may look like:


The Foreign Empire Explanation:

When the event starts, each player will be surrounded by a total of 10 foreign castles in the Great Empire. All of these castles will match their own level, however it doesn’t mean that your only opponents to face will be the same level. Just as it is with earning glory points, there is also a level range existing for the castles around you (for example, a level 56 player could still be attacked by a level 70 castle).

When you spy on your opponent, you’ll quickly discover whether he is very weak or has a strong defence. How do these differences come about? These castles are basically copies which demonstrate the defence and attack behaviour of the opposing server’s players. The information we collect about your player behaviour (see above) all ends up in a big pool of settings. In this case, the number and location of troops, tools and equipment were taken into account. That means, the foreign lords can also send elite units and tools. If you get some form of alliance support, your opponent will adapt to this and can also receive support. So he can then recruit new troops or fill his walls with supporting units under certain circumstances. These settings have been collected from all level ranges. Also, how frequently players sent attacks was also taken into account and therefore some invaders may be more aggressive than others. The foreign lord also doesn’t necessarily have to attack you, because he might embody the characteristics of a rather defensive player.

The foreign castles are, for every player, 50 fields away. Thus it makes no difference whether you attack the castle from your main castle or let troops march off from your outpost. The distance can also be seen in the travel summary.

The Attack:

The invaders attack set up is based on the already mentioned data collections and thus also is based on the gaming behaviour of a foreign player. His activity after all decides the strength of the attack. These set ups can consist of any available troops and tools , therefore also premium tools or even troops from other events or campaigns could be sent.

If you decide to counter attack the foreign castle with your settings, then on the other server there will also be an attack triggered, but not with your current settings. These settings also come from the large data pool, in which your server-own data has been collected (see above). The players on the opposing server will have the same experience as you. They’ll also meet a variety of stronger and weaker opponents.

The Aftermath:

After a successful attack, (whether it’s yours or that of the invader), the foreign fortress will disappear from your world map. However a new castle will respawn, with new properties, so there is no cooldown. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, you also get glory points awarded, varying on how many foreign troops you have killed. These points are an important part of the event. Just like in the "Nobility Contest", you can unlock troops and decorations with points. The decorations are only available for the best participants in the event. The competing servers will collect points individually. Therefore, there will be a first ranked player on both servers.

Foreign Equipment

Commander Set

Increases the combat strength of your melee soldiers by 62%
Increases the combat strength of your ranged soldiers by 62%
Increases the travel speed of the army by 60%
The army will be detected 29% later
Reduces enemy wall protection by 77%
Reduces enemy gate protection by 32%
Reduces enemy moat protection by 33%
Increases glory points earned by 23%
Increases the soldier limit on your flanks in battles against enemy castle lords by 29%
Increases the soldier limit on your front in battles against enemy castle lords by 10%
Increases the Combat strength of attackers in the courtyard of an enemy castle lord by 37%

Tools will be updated soon..

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  1. bro today gb but that time maintains atarted ?
    what to do

