
Dear Community,
this time we´re presenting something big to you - the new Berimond!

General Berimond Changes
  • You can no longer lose or gain honor through fighting in Berimond.
  • You will no longer lose your camp until last-man-standing mode has been activated. Camp conquering has been removed.

Starting Berimond
  • You can now choose one of 3 different camps that you want to use - with all of those camps you are ready for battle immediately:
    • Simple camp (A basic camp with a small amount of already built tents and other buildings)
    • Veteran Camp (Costs resource. Larger amount of higher level buildings and tents.)
    • Warlords’Camp (Costs rubies, and gives you a fully built camp with higher level buildings than the other camps)
  • Once you have joined Berimond, the kingdom entry screen will allow you to do the following:
    • Enter Berimond and send troops to Berimond
    • Quickly find attackable towers and camps
    • Visibly see which reward you will earn next
    • On the left side of the dialogue you find an instructions button

Units & Recruitment - General Info
  • Players can now recruit unique units in the Berimond event.
  • This is an addition to, not a replacement for sending troops to Berimond.
  • There are two new buildings connected to this mechanic - see the “New Buildings” section for more info!

  • Your can recruit new units in Berimond: Auxiliaries.
    • Both factions can recruit the same units.
    • These units are comparatively cheap and can be recruited quickly
  • Training grounds are required for recruiting
  • They don't consume food.
  • They never go into a hospital.
  • Once the event is over, they are deleted instead of going to the main castle.
  • They have their own capacity and don't share unit capacity with normal units.
    • Capacity for auxiliaries is increased by upgrading the Auxiliaries’ headquarters
  • There are also special new Berimond units which will be given out as rewards in the point event
    • In the future, you will be able to be recruit them if your rank is high enough
    • They are slightly stronger than the Kingsguard units, but weaker than the Travelling Knights.

New Buildings
  • There are two new buildings available in Berimond: The Training Grounds/Barracks (5 levels, costs resources and cannot be demolished) and the Auxiliaries’ headquarters (10 levels, costs resources, houses auxiliaries, does not decrease morale, cannot be demolished).
  • As with other buildings in Berimond, alliance help for building or repairing them is not available.
  • Buildings in Berimond cannot burn

Point Event
  • By earning Gallantry points you also gain points towards the Berimond rankings
  • The more points you earn, the better rewards you can receive
  • You compete for points within your faction by beating players of the other faction and attacking enemy towers, giving you the chance to prove that you’re the best player in your faction!

  • The towers in berimond now have many more charges than before (meaning you can attack them more before they're destroyed)
  • Everyone can attack and farm them a lot!
  • If a tower is destroyed whilst your attack is on its way, there will still be a (phantom) battle.
  • There is no cooldown on attacking towers
  • The citadel only has one charge but phantom battles are possible as well

Tool Vendor
  • An event that runs only for the duration of Berimond
  • You can buy special tools for Berimond there

Coming for Berimond in the future:
  • Bravery Titles

At first, players on our partner sites will have the pleasure of playing the new Berimond, and then at a slightly later point, all the other servers will be able to check out this new version of Berimond.

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