
Dear Community,

In the next update you'll see the following changes:

The Monuments

  • Monuments are special locations on the world map that alliances can claim for themselves
  • When an alliance owns a monument, all alliance members receive a bonus on the glory points earned through attacks
  • Monuments can be conquered through a simple attack, just like the King's Towers
  • You cannot build anything in them
  • The glory bonus depends on the monuments' level
  • The monuments' level can be upgraded by the alliance that owns it through alliance members sending resources (wood and stone) to it
  • There are two sizes of monuments. The big ones have a higher starting and maximum level than the small ones
  • An alliance can own several monuments, but the bonus provided will only be that of the highest levelled monument they own
  • When an alliance loses its monument to another alliance, the level of it remains. Only the progress from one level to the other is lost
  • When the monument owner leaves the alliance, he also loses the monument, using the same principle as with King´s Towers
  • In contrast to the capitals, there are many of these locations, so that everyone has a chance to claim them, not only the top alliances
  • On large servers there will be more than 1,000 locations.
  • Monuments only last for a month. Each and every month they will disappear and spawn at other places with their base level, so that the hunt for them starts again!
  • Monument

Revised Flame bearers and Composite bowman
  • In order to make these units more balanced and viable, their respectively weaker defense stats have been improved
  • The other stats of the units have not been changed

Revised Nomads
  • Attention: The following changes will not be applied to the currently running event, they will be applied to the event once it will start again
  • The "Invasion of the Nomads" event has been reworked, so that it works better with the shorter running time
  • The nomads' cooldowns have been shortened, yet the secondary defense stats of the units have been increased and at some levels the amount of lootable khan tables has been reduced
  • As a player, you will not be as limited by cooldown times now, but rather by troop losses through fights and thus by the need to recruit new units

Other Change
  • Players who don't participate in the battle of Berimond will not have the event activities in their travel overview anymore
  • The Hunters Camp in the Thornking event can be built only once but it will have 10 level expansions. The upgrade costs have been increased slightly

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