
Decorations. Over time, we’ve seen lots of unique, glorious, and sometimes downright freaky, decorations appearing across all of our castles. As we upgrade from Signposts, to Parks, and beyond, even having huge necromantic thrones proudly established in our courtyards, our storage fills with smaller, far less impressive decorations.
Recycling is super important in our Empire, so it’s time to clear up the clutter! Read on for more info!
Selling Decorations
Time to clear out those old decorations! With this update, you’ll now be able to sell (most) decorations, in return for coins. Clear up some space and make some cash!
  • When you go into your buildings storehouse tab (in the construction menu), you will now have the option to sell certain decorations
  • You can also directly sell decorations from the ring menu (when clicking on them)
  • A special icon will appear when hovering over a decoration to let you know it can be sold
  • Once clicking the icon, a pop-up will appear, allowing you to sell as many of the decoration at once as you wish
  • Although the amount of coins you will receive may not be huge, this allows you to get rid of old, unwanted decorations, and get some coins in return!
  • Decorations that are earned as event rewards, and the best ruby decorations cannot be sold
New rewards for the Single Player War of the Realms!
We noticed that the rewards for the War of the Realms event were a little...outdated, and there weren’t enough of them to keep everyone satisfied. With this update, we’ll be adding more activity rewards to the event.

  • The War of the Realms will now have a lot more activity rewards, much like the long term point events
  • These rewards will be catered to individual level brackets, and should make the event as a whole much more worth the blood, sweat and tears
  • Overall, it’ll be more of a challenge to get all of the rewards, but with more rewards as a whole, the event should be a lot more fun and gratifying
  • This will only change for the single player version of the event The interface will change for both events, but the rewards will only exist for the single player version..
Other Changes
  • A new appearance item for the Farmhouse has been added
  • ‘Power Points’ will now be referred to as ‘Might Points’ in all instances
  • It is now possible to run surveys through the game, so you may see some pop up in your inbox here and there. These surveys will allow us to further improve your gaming experience

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