
Dear Community,

With our next update you can expect the following changes:

 Alliance Point-Event for the Nomad Invasion 

  • You can collect points together with your Alliance members to get rewards in this point event.
  • A new tab was added to the Nomad Invasion to display the alliance points event (as with the War of the Realms Alliance Event)
  • There is still a version of the event without the alliance component.
  • If you are not in an alliance, you can’t collect points and rewards, but you can of course join an alliance after the event has already started in order to participate in the event.
  • An alliance ranking list is available in the event.
  • You collect the points for the alliance you are currently in. If you leave an alliance, then the points you gathered will stay in that alliance.

 More optimizations for the Nomad Invasion 

  • Nomad camps between level 20 and 69 will be easier to defeat.
  • Nomad camps will be more visible on the world map thanks to a new graphic.
  • Anti-nomad tools can now be bought in the attack setup screen.
  • A new booster package for looting khan tablets will be available in prime days.

 Wheel of Fortune - Optimizations 

  • You can now spend rubies to reach the next prize level with one simple click.
  • There will be an option to disable the confirmation dialogue for spending rubies to increase your Prize Level, allowing you to do it more efficiently.

 Other changes 

  • Power Points - There will be a tooltip explaining what has an impact on your Power Point total and when this total is updated.
  • Buildings and decos can be obtained as part of Prime Days.
  • Packages at the various traders will be sorted by popularity, so that the most used packages are displayed on top of the other offers and will be marked specifically as the most popular.
  • Inviting friends via email will be possible in the friend invite window.
  • One new decoration and 4 new heroes can now also be the top 1 reward at the point event for level 70+ players.

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