
Dear Community,

with our next update you can expect the following changes:

New tools for the Invasion of the Foreign Empire and Berimond
  • There will be new tools that are designed for the Invasion of the Foreign Empire and Berimond
  • These tools will only work in the events they were designed for and can be used in fights against other players (in Berimond) and NPCs
  • You will only be able to purchase them in Prime Days
  • The tool types are as follows:
    • Berimond: Ladder, glory banner, shield, ram, moat, bravery tool (a new Berimond exclusive tool that grants bonus points towards the event when used in combat)
    • Invasion of the Foreign Empire: Ladder, glory banner, shield, ram, moat

Shortened cooldown time for Alliance Repair Help
  • The cooldown duration will be cut down from 24 hours to only 6 hours

New Quest: Invite a friend
  • There will be a quest with the completion condition to refer a friend
  • This quest will be available in 3 different forms, for different level ranges
  • Be quick! When this quest appears, it will be on a timer, meaning it will disappear after a period of time if not completed

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