
Hey Community,

This is the last update of 2014, the following features will be introduced:

The Ranking of Legends

  • Level 70 Lords can now compare their legend levels with one another as part of the Level 70 rankings.

Improvement of Horses

  • The mechanics of the Horses have been adjusted. They will now travel faster over short distances than in the past, making them much more worthwhile for shorter journeys.
  • The travel speed of the Horses has increased significantly over distances less than 100 fields. Over 100 fields, the speed will remain as it was.
  • This change affects every possible use of horses: attacks, sending support, stationing and even sending market barrows.
  • The price of using the horses will not change.

Public Order for Optional Buildings

  • Some players refrain from building certain optional buildings as in turn, they lose space for decorations.
  • In order to resolve this problem, Public Order has been added to some optional buildings. This lets you take advantage of the effects these buildings give, without losing public order.
  • The affected buildings are: The Mint, Ruby Mine, Military Hospital, Master Builder, Drill Ground, Fire Station and Stronghold.
  • The prices of these buildings will not change.

Other Changes

  • PvP quests in the Storm Islands will now grant Legend Experience to level 70 players. This allows our level 70 players to progress faster through the Legend levels whilst participating in the event.
  • The graphics on the registration page of the login screen have been altered slightly.

King of the Community Decoration

  • Remember when you guys all put your minds together and helped us create the fantastic King of the Community decoration?
  • Now it's finally in game! Soon you will get the first chance to win this rare and exclusive decoration (that grants 200 Public Order) for yourself!
  • Every now and again we will create contests that will give you the chance to get your hands on one, so keep an eye on the forums!


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