
Dear Community,

This week, we'll introduce some little additions and changes to you:

New Glory Titles
- You can now reach three more glory titles that go beyond the Steel-Hearted!
These titles are:
- The Resolute
- The Furious
- The Fearless

There will also be “Top X” titles that are given out to those of you who have already reached all the regular glory titles:
- Top 1 - The Invincible (as it already is ingame)
- Top 10 - The Feared
- Top 50 - The Remorseless
- Top 100 - The Proud
- These titles will be calculated after a certain period of time, and rewards will also be distributed

New Glory Tool
- A new glory tool will be introduced, giving you 4% bonus glory after a successful attack
- It can be purchased through Prime Days or from the Armorer
- We will be increasing the glory gain from the horsetail banner to 5% bonus glory

New Castle View
- The new castle view will only affect the main castle in the Great Empire and will make it look more structured, giving you a better, more organised overview
- The temporary events will be placed on the lower left hand side of your screen
- The Wishing Well, Friend Invite statue and the Noble House will be placed on the lower right hand side
- On the upper left side you will see the resource fields and on the upper right side, the resource carts

Friend Invite - Unit and tool slots as rewards
- When one of your invited friends (it does not matter if you invited him/her in the past or after this update) purchases rubies for the first time, you’ll get a reward
- Rewards can include rubies or unit recruitment and tool production slots
- You can now receive permanent tool production and unit recruitment slots as rewards

Other changes
- When receiving minute skips through Prime Days, you will now have a larger capacity to store them, as they will overstack

In this update, some bugs have also been fixed.

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