
One month has passed since Rhukan and his wolves were defeated. It wasn’t easy, our kind King Eric had to ask for the help of all his friends across the nations to protect him and defeat the threat.
It was a tough fight and what was left behind was blood, starvation and ruins, but also a renewed hope of a unified and flourishing Empire. All the Lords and Ladies worked together to build everything back up, with the precious help of all of their citizens that brought the whole Empire to glory!
King Eric was so impressed by the effort of all of you Lords and Ladies in fighting the threat and building everything back up, that he decided we should celebrate in style!
A big tournament for every corner of the empire, for everyone to have fun and fight for glory and be forever recognised!
Feasts as big as never before, rivers of wine and the best entertainment from all the kingdoms await you in this celebration! Prepare your swords, motivate your commanders and aim for the first place in the Nations Cup!

What is the Nations Cup?
The Nations Cup is the second edition of the competitive tournament between servers after the Battle of Nations. It will be an additional event to ingame invasions and Berimond. All lords and ladies of a server need to fight bravely in the Battle of Berimond, Foreign Lord, Bloodcrow, Samurai and Nomad invasions and you will be greatly rewarded for your effort on the battlefield. So, fight side by side with your server mates to prevail and be on top of the Empire universe!

When will this event happen and how will it work?
  • The event will start on 10th of August and it will finish on 1st of September.
  • 32 servers qualify for the Nations Cup and will compete with each other in a tournament structure, similar to the Football World Cup.
  • The results of your server will be calculated as an average of the points collected by the most active half of the players of your server during the Battle of Berimond or one of the invasions. So, we will consider Gallantry points for the Battle of Berimond, glory points for War of the Bloodcrows and War of the Realms, and Nomad/Samurai Points.
  • You will be able to track results by yourself checking our table exclusively created for this occasion. We will share the link to it during the first days of the Nations Cup. You will be able to find the results of each stage on the forum the day after every invasion ends (excluding weekends).
Here are the stages servers will have to go through in order to win Nations Cup:
  • Group stage will be based on the results during the Battle of Berimond (10th-14th of August):
    • Each server will be placed in a group with 3 other competitors. So, there will be 8 groups with 4 teams in each one. Soon we will share the results of the draw with you.
    • Only the two servers with the highest gallantry points score (Berimond) of each group will be promoted to the next stage.
    • We will take into consideration only one event during this stage, so, be sure that your server fights hard to get better rewards.
  • 1/8 final - Nomad Invasion (14th-18th of August):
    • Only 16 nations will advance to this round.
    • Each server will compete against one opposing server. The server with the higher Nomad points score at the end of the invasion will be promoted to the 1/4 final.
  • 1/4 final - War of the Bloodcrows (18th-23rd of August):
    • The 8 best servers will compete to get to the 1/2 finals on the same conditions as in the 1/8 knock-out stage.
  • 1/2 final - Samurai Invasion (23d-28th of August):
    • On this stage only 4 teams will be left and they will brawl with Samurai to get more points, to receive better rewards and, of course, to reach the final.
  • FINAL -  War of the Realms (28th-31st of August):
    • The Foreign invasion will help us decide which of the two finalist servers will win the Nations Cup event.
You will be able to find the results of the stage on the forum the day after every invasion ends.

What can I win?
  • Rewards will be given only to the servers that won the stage. For example, 16 winning servers will get rewards at the end of the group stage, 8 servers will receive rewards during 1/8 final etc.
  • The value of the rewards will increase after each successful stage.
  • There will be two types of rewards:
    • One will be given out to all players of the winning server.
    • Additional rewards will be given to the 400 best performing players of the winning server for the invasion of each particular stage.
All players of the winning server
Rounds6-19 levels20-69 levels70+ levels
Group StageKhan tablet bonus 50% for 2hKhan tablet bonus 50% for 2hKhan tablet bonus 50% for 2h
1/8 FinalGlory bonus 75% for 2h
50 Hero's banners
Glory bonus 75% for 2 h
150 Hero's banners
Glory bonus 75% for 2 h
300 Hero's banners
1/4 FinalSamurai tokens bonus 50% for 4h
50 Cases of samurai tokens
Samurai tokens bonus 50% for 4h
150 Cases of samurai tokens
Samurai tokens bonus 50% for 4h
300 Cases of samurai tokens
1/2 FinalGlory bonus 75% for 4h
50 Horsetail standards
Glory bonus 75% for 4h
150 Horsetail standards
Glory bonus 75% for 4h
300 Horsetail standards
FinalKhan tablet bonus 50% for 8h
100 Khan chests
Khan tablet bonus 50% for 8h
250 Khan chests
Khan tablet bonus 50% for 8h
500 Khan chests

Top 400 players of the winning server
Group StageGem of the stormed flank level 820% unit limit on the flanks
Gem of the battle cry level 815% combat strength when attacking enemy courtyards
1/8 FinalSand of the End of TimeLook item for commander (for 90 days)
1/4 FinalDemon ScepterLook item for castellan (for 90 days)
1/2 FinalGem of the battle cry level 1121% combat strength when attacking enemy courtyards
FinalDecoration: Goddess of Nature290 PO

Why should I participate?
First of all, you have a great chance to celebrate the victory of King Eric the Artisan and lead your Nation to the glory! Secondly, you can win awesome rewards.

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