
Dear Community,

With our next update you can expect the following changes:

Hall of legends

  • Legend level players can now construct a new building in their main castle: the Hall of Legends.
  • In the Hall of Legends you can use your legend points to unlock powerful attack and defense bonuses.
  • Some of the effects are already known as they exist as bonuses on equipment, but some are also new, like an additional wave of attack.
  • These buffs will only be effective against other Legend level players! In a battle against a player below level 70, the Hall of Legends will have no effect.
  • With every legend level, there will be an upgrade for the Hall of Legends, there is one available per legend level.
  • In addition, with each hall extension you will receive one legend point.
  • Like the Researchers tower, the points come are implemented in the form of a skill tree.
  • Even at the highest level you will not have enough Legend points for all of the effects! So you will always have to choose the bonuses you would like to activate carefully.
  • The points in the bonuses you choose to specialize in can be reset, so that you're free to redistribute them. A renewed reset is then available after a longer waiting period (30 days).
  • The reset cooldown can be skipped with rubies, however the cost will increase depending on how many legend points you have.
  • The Hall of Legends is 5x10 fields in size and its construction will cost raw materials. However, it will also come with a bonus to public order, so that it can easily replace a decoration.
  • The Hall of Legends will have public order and the amount it gives increases after several upgrades.
  • All upgrades for the hall cost resources, including kingdom resources (coal, glass, oil, ore)


  • In order to make getting into the game easier for lower level players, the time taken for buildings to be constructed before player level 15 has been reduced.

Post a Comment

  1. Does anyone know where the hall level needs to be to open 5th attack slots

  2. Does anyone know where the hall level needs to be to open 5th attack slots

