
Berimond Introduction: 

For many years, King Adalbert has been a wise and just ruler to his subjects. But then disaster struck and his two sons were killed in a hunting accident. Grief and sadness for the loss of his two children overcame the King and his desire to live dwindled. Only a few months later was he buried next to his sons, and the Kingdom of Berimond was left without a leader.

The two most powerful noble houses of the kingdom laid claim to the throne. On one side is the House of Gerbrant, with a coat of arms of the Gold Lion and the heir to the throne, Leopold III. On the other side is the House of Urisdae, with the heir Thronwärter Grimbert, and a banner displaying the White Bear. 

Diplomacy is not an option, since both of these houses have been archenemies for years. To the horror of the citizens, a fight over the Kingdom Berimond begins...


The House of Gerbrandt

The House of Gerbrandt originated many years ago from a wealthy merchant dynasty. It then rose to nobility with King Bethold V, the grandfather of King Adalbert.
Gossip that this nobility was bought surrounded the family, but gossip can be easily silenced. Knight Leopold III. was chosen by his relatives to be the new King of the Kingdom of Berimond.

Leopold III. himself is a very competent commander, and when his blonde mane of hair blows in the wind under the Gold Lion coat of arms, his men willingly follow him into every battle. Leopold was pushed to lead this battle especially by his mother, Baroness Elvira Gerbrandt, a vindictive and resentful woman. For the House of Ursidae she holds nothing but contempt and when she speaks of them it is only as “ordinary workers” or “a bunch of peasants without any manners”. Leopold III. is well liked by the citizens for of his good reputation and generosity, he has managed to escape the influence of his mother.

The House of Urisdae

The House of Urisdae is very old family of nobility, and they are the most famous builders in the Kingdom of Berimond. “Kings come and go, but stone will remain”. From this idea, generations of the Ursidae have built some of the strongest and most impressive castles that the Kingdom of Berimond has ever seen. Knight Grimbert, the first born son of Prince Umber VII, has been chosen to ensure that the House of Ursidae finally ends up where it belongs: on the throne!

Knight Grimbert has won many battles and is shrewd tactician and strategist. His men refer to him as the “Bear of Berimond” and are very loyal to him. This House of Urisdae considers the House of Gerbrandt to be “extravagant snobs, that have never worked for an honest living”. Grimbert sees it as his duty to the Kingdom of Berimond, and he will never let the House of Gerbrandt win without a fight. He has been known to say, “The citizens of Berimond do not deserve this!” Often his enthusiasm gets the best of him and he results to cruelty and injustice.

The Situation

Today, both houses stand with weapons at the ready, looking toward the Capital. Both houses are calling on the neighboring kingdoms for help and support, promising wealth and fame. 

-The Kingdom is an event, it will not always be there, it will only be open for a limited time
(Now its reduced to 7 day event often)
-All players who are level 30 and up can participate
-The King of Berimond has died and has no heir
-Two families are fighting for the throne, and are asking all knights from all lands to help them in their quest for the throne.


The Factions

-Once you have unlocked the Kingdom, Players will be automatically assigned to a faction in order to ensure a better balance of power in the event. Players from the same alliance will be placed in the same faction.
-The goal of the event is to help your faction achieve victory and claim the throne.
-Players that are on opposing factions can attack each other, even if they are in the same alliance
-Players of the same faction can support each other. However no incoming attacks on faction members will appear on the overview.

The Player’s Camp
-Each participant of the event will get his/her own camp, where you can build buildings and send troops.
-Each camp will be placed along the frontline.
-During the event you can capture the camp of other players.
-If you lose your camp, you will have to start the event from the beginning, but you will not have to unlock the event again.

The NPC Factions

-Both factions have defenses that can be captured by the opposing faction.
-The players in the faction can see the incoming attacks on their important defensive camps and send defenses to prevent a takeover.
-Villages: The number of villages that a faction has will determine the amount of resources that are produced in the player camps. If a player from the blue faction defeats the NPC in a village from the red faction, then the village will now belong to the blue faction.
-Towers: Before you can capture villages, you must first be able to defeat the large towers surrounding them. Towers are specially defended by NPCs. If a tower is defeated, it will remain destroyed for the remainder of the event, and cannot be recaptured, the way a resource village can.
-Capitals: Each faction has only one Capital. If all the faction towers have been destroyed, then you can attack the Capital. When the Capital is defeated, the event is over and a winner is announced.

Game Play:
  • Defeating enemy watchtowers will bring you closer to the Capital.
  • Capturing and holding enemy resource villages will grant your faction a bonus to resource production.
  • Fighting against players of the opposite faction will weaken the defenders in the watchtowers and in the enemy Capital.
  • Once a camp is fully captured, that player will receive a new camp.
  • Don't forget to defend your own factions towers and capital!
  • Once the enemies capital city has been destroyed, 'last man standing' mode will be activated, meaning that any enemy players that are defeated will no longer respawn after this.
The Rewards
-While the event is running, you will receive a lot of quests from your leader. As a reward you will receive rubies and strong new units.
-The winner of the event will receive a decorative item for his/her castle. Depending on how many points you have collected by the end of the event, you will receive a reward, regardless of whether your faction has won or lost and there is also an Achievement for the victory.


Berimond Civil Buildings

Building Name: Supply Storehouse

Building Description: Greatly Increases the storage capacity for resources

Building Name: Market Place

Building Description: Makes market borrows available for transporting resources and allows trade with other castle lords

Building Name: Hunter's Camp

Building Description: Reduces Food consumption of all the soldiers stationed here

Building Levels: Level 1- Level 5

Food Consumption Reduction:(-10%) to (-30%)

Building Type: Rubies

Building Name: Construction Cane

Building Description: Unlocks an additional construction slot in the current castle

Building Levels: Level 1- Level 2

Building Type: Rubies

Berimond Military Buildings

Building Name: Small Tents

Building Description: Provides room for more soldiers in your camp,but lowers morale

Building Levels: Level 1- Level 4

Soldiers Limit & Morale: (5) to (12) &(-5) to (-12)

Building Name: Large Tents

Building Description: Provides room for a large number of soldiers and lowers morale less significantly than small tents

Building Levels: Level 1- Level 4

Soldiers Limit & Morale: (8) to (20) &(-5) to (-12)

Building Type: Rubies

Building Name:Guardhouse

Building Description: Increase the number of city guards in the castle

Building Name:Watchtower

Building Description: Alerts u Earlier and more accuracy of attacking armies

Building Levels: Level 1- Level 5

Field of vision: (20%) to (100%)

Building Type: Rubies

Building Name: Field Hospital

Building Description: Ensures that the mimimum proportion of defenders always survive a batttle in the castle

Building Levels: Level 1- Level 5

Minimum Soldiers survive: (5%) to (25%)

Building Type: Rubies

Building Name: Stables

Building Description:Unlocks horses to speed up the army's movement

Building Levels: Level 1- Level 5

Speed Effect: (0%) to (40%)

Building Type: Rubies (After Level 1)

Berimond Soldiers:

 Lion Soldiers


Bear Soldiers

Berimond Equiments:

 Bear Equipments

Lion Equipments

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