
The attack of the shapeshifters is a time limited event in which you can anonymously fight and compete against other castle lords on the world map. At the start of the event, Shapeshifter totems will appear in front of your castle in the Great Empire. Each totem represents a real player on the world map and will imitate that player's actions.

Disclaimer: Any text and numbers you will see in the following walkthrough are not finalized yet, please take that into account when providing feedback.

  • When the event begins you will receive a message announcing the arrival of the Shapeshifters.
  • Opening the message will present you with a short introduction to the event, including brief information about the goals, point system and rewards available. Be sure to check out the help dialog for even more details about the event.                   
  • You will also find an Attack of the Shapeshifters event building outside your main castle. Interact with it to open the event dialog.
  • In the event dialog you will find information about your current event progress. This includes details about the Shapeshifters you have been matched against, if they have attacked you, or if you already attacked them. Right below them you will find information about your current and best point series. You need to launch five attacks against Shapeshifter targets to complete a point series.
  • Clicking on one of Shapeshifters in the event dialog will take you directly to their respective camp on  the world map. To make the camps easily identifiable, you can also find each Shapeshifter’s respective picture in the camp tooltip. Keep in mind that Shapeshifters mimic castle lords on the world map, i.e. behind each Shapeshifter there is a real human player.
A well prepared attack starts with the proper intelligence, so be sure to spy on your enemies and plan your attacks accordingly. Remember: Although the Shapeshifters have taken the place of real castle lords, they have made some unit adjustments - so be sure to study your reports carefully.

Shapeshifters replace all defending troops with unique Shapeshifter units. The replacement is not a one on one conversion, but rather a strength conversion.

  • Take a look at the stats of Shapeshifter units to quickly calculate the strength your target’s flank or front.
  • Now is the perfect time to consider turning our attentions to the event’s hardcore mode. Here you can either challenge yourself by activating one or more of these effects, or adjust your point gain for easier enemies. We don’t recommend turning them on all at once though! 

  • Please remember the disclaimer mentioned at the beginning of the walkthrough regarding stats/numbers!

  • You will receive points for each attack against a Shapeshifter totem. The amount of points received depends on how well you battled against the enemy. The general rule of thumb here is: the better the enemy defends, the less points you will get. This is also something worth remembering when defending against Shapeshifter attacks on your castle!
  • Be sure to keep an eye on your progress during the event. The best point series that you achieve during the event runtime will determine your ranking performance.
  • In case you get attacked by a Shapeshifter, you can switch to a special event view in the defense setup screen. This will convert your castle into a Shapeshifter totem so you can asses your own defenses as if you were spying on yourself as a Shapeshifter.
    If there are any alliance support troops stationed in your castle, be sure to set your defenses using this special view as those support troops won’t be able to help you against Shapeshifter attacks.

  • When you have completed your first point series, you will gain a ranking position. Once a day you will be rewarded with Shapeshifter insignias based on your ranking position.
    You will also be rewarded with Shapeshifter Charms each time you attack a Shapeshifter totem. The amount of charms earned depends on how many points your attack earned.
  • Once a day the event will provide you with a daily Shapeshifter report in your inbox.
  • Here you can collect your Shapeshifter insignia rewards. Be sure to check out both the Charm and Insignia shops in the event dialog and treat yourself to something nice!

We hope you enjoyed this walkthrough and got a good overview of the Shapeshifter event. Let us know your thoughts and feedback about the Shapeshifters and we will see you on the battlefield soon.

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