
 Monthly Content Package: Part 1

As we announced in our November teaser, we implemented a few equipment sets to keep you warm during the cold Winter season. Here we will introduce you to two sets: one Commander and one Castellan set. Both sets will be available in one of the following long term point events for players level 60 or higher.

Commander set: Trove of the winter imp

Hail plate (Armor)-20% enemy moat protection
-26% enemy gate protection
-15% enemy wall protection
Chill blade (Weapon)+13% glory points earned when attacking
-19% enemy wall protection
-25% enemy gate protection
Permafrost helm (Helmet)+21% army travel speed
-25% enemy gate protection
-11% enemy moat protection
Glacier chain (Artifact)+11% resources plundered when looting
-18% enemy moat protection
-22% enemy wall protection
Everwinter Imp (Hero)+10% combat strength for melee units when attacking NPC targets
+10% combat strength for ranged units when attacking NPC targets
+16% combat strength when attacking the courtyard of NPC targets
Crystal branch+11% combat strength when attacking the courtyard of NPC targets
-10% wall protection of NPC targets
+5% unit limit on the flanks when attacking NPC targets
Crystal leaf+11% combat strength when attacking the courtyard of NPC targets
-10% wall protection of NPC targets
+5% unit limit on the flanks when attacking NPC targets

Crystal seed+10% army travel speed
+10% combat strength when attacking the courtyard of NPC targets
Crystal blossom+12% combat strength when attacking the courtyard of NPC targets
-10% enemy wall protection
Bonus effects:
-5% enemy moat protection
-10% enemy gate protection
-20% wall protection of NPC targets
-30% gate protection of NPC targets
+90% combat strength for melee units
+30% unit limit on the flanks when attacking NPC targets
+90% combat strength for ranged units
+30%combat strength when attacking enemy courtyards

Castellan set: Trinkets of the Everwinter Soldier

Ice guard (Armor)+17% wall protection
+9% moat protection
+15% earlier attack warning
Frostbite (Weapon)+21% earlier attack warning
+12% gate protection
+19% wall protection
Polar ice cap (Helmet)+19% gate protection
+20% moat protection
-19% resources lost after being looted
Frozen timepiece (artifact)+10% moat protection
-24% fire damage suffered when defending
+17% gate protection
Everwinter soldier (Hero)+10% combat strength for all units stationed in main castles
+10% combat strength for all units stationed in outposts, capitals, and trading metropolises
Snow globe+10% wall protection
+7% unit limit on the castle wall
+8% unit limit on the castle wall
Frozen pyramid+10% gate protection
-10% resources lost after being looted
+9% glory points earned when defending
Ice cube+5%combat strength when defending the courtyard
+7% glory points earned when defending
+5% unit limit on the castle wall
Glacial charm+5%combat strength when defending the courtyard
+9% glory points earned when defending

Bonus effects:

+10%combat strength when defending the courtyard
+15% gate protection
+15% moat protection
+90% combat strength for melee units
+90% combat strength for ranged units
+20% wall protection
+15%combat strength when defending the courtyard

You can fight for the first winter set "Trove of the winter imp" between 9th of January and 5th of February during our next Long term point event "Ice championship".

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