
Brave Warriors,
As implied in our previous teaser we now want to share part 2 of our upcoming Monthly Content Package with you!
Have fun and let us know what you think about it! :)

Monthly Content Package for December 2017 - Part 2

 Rebalancing of level 81 robber baron towers

  • It’s been a long time since we touched the max towers in terms of their setup. During that time we have received a lot of feedback and requests to reduce the difficulty a little bit and make these towers more profitable.
  • In this update we want to fulfill your wish in regards to the level 81 robber baron towers:
    • The robber baron castellan stats strength have been reduced and replaced with
      • +40% wall protection
      • +33% gate protection
      • +42% combat strength for melee units
      • +38% combat strength for ranged units
    • Units and tools on flanks and the front have been reduced to
      • Units Left Flank: Halberdier (56), Longbowman (16)
      • Tools Left Flank: Defense Rocks (4)
      • Units Middle: Halberdier (75), Longbowman (16)
      • Tools Middle: Castle gate reinforcement (4)
      • Units Right Flank: Halberdier (39), Longbowman (27)
      • Tools Right Flank: Flaming arrows (4)
      • Units Keep: Halberdier (9), Longbowman (68)
    • Overall, we tried to design it as flexible and variable as possible for you. It is up to you to attack the left flank and use fewer tools or save more units on the right flank but use more tools.
    • The new balanced max towers are comparable to a good nomads camp now.

 Repricing of gem packages in the equipment trader

  • Common gems were reduced in price! For example, you can now get a random Level 7 gem for just 12,000 rubies or a gem of the stormed flank (level 11) for 229,000 rubies!

 Improve the cost/benefit ratio of units & tools

  • Besides the max tower rebalancing, we have also received a lot of feedback concerning the costs of units and tools you can get at the armorer or in events.
  • With this update we will change some pricing for tools as follows:

ToolTraderOld CostsNew Costs
PortcullisArmorerRubies: 79Rubies: 58
Shield wallArmorerRubies: 41Rubies: 31
Arrow slitArmorerRubies: 74Rubies: 58
Fire moatArmorerRubies: 84Rubies: 68
Hero' bannerArmorerRubies: 62Rubies: 46
Banner of triumphArmorerRubies: 145Rubies: 108

  • We will also introduce 10 new units packages to the Armorer:

UnitTraderRubiesAmountspecial Conditions
Traveling knight (Extra Large)Armorer105.0002000
Level 70+
Traveling knight (Large)Armorer63.0001000
Traveling knight (Mid)Armorer34.000500
stock: 2
Traveling knight (Small)Armorer14.000200Level 6-69
stock: 3
Traveling crossbowman (Extra Large)Armorer130.0002000
Level 70+
Traveling crossbowman (Large)Armorer80.0001000
Traveling crossbowman (Mid)Armorer43.000500
stock: 2
Traveling crossbowman (Small)Armorer18.000200Level 6-69
stock: 3
Veteran composite bowmanArmorer138.000500
stock: 1
Veteran flame bearerArmorer147.000500
stock: 1

  • Keep in mind, every package has a certain stock limit per armorer event which means you can only buy them once up to 3 times, depending on the package.

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