
Dear Community,

with our next update, the following features will be introduced:

 War of the Realms Alliance Contest 

  • You can now collect points together with your alliance members to earn exciting new rewards.
  • The single player event will still run, but on occasion there will be the option to switch to the Alliance version in the event dialogue
  • If you are not in an alliance during the event, you won’t be able to earn points and rewards from this mode. However, you can join an Alliance while the event is active and start earning points immediately.
  • An Alliance ranking will be displayed in the new event dialogue
  • You collect glory points for the alliance you are currently in. If you leave an alliance, then the points you gathered will stay in that alliance
  • If you are in an alliance or have joined an alliance while the event is running, the point counter will show the sum of all points collected by every alliance member.


  • You can now answer all Alliance help requests with a single click of the new ‘help all’ button.
  • Permanent boosts for return speed are now available from the King’s Market
  • When searching for an alliance to join, one alliance will now be highlighted as recommended
  • If 1 or 2 friends you invite to the game reach level 10, you will now get rubies as a reward. If 3 friends you invite to the game reach level 10, you will now get stone and wood as a reward.

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