
Hey guys,

As previously mentioned, we would like to present to you our second optimizations and bugfix update.

  • As requested, the timers for the Attack Horn will now always be displayed, you may also hide this by using the fold-in timer button
  • The time it takes to apply time skips has been substantially reduced, and will instantly show you the remaining time. This enables you to use time skips faster and more efficiently
  • To keep the armorer dialog more organized, it will now consist of various tabs to sort tools into different categories
  • In Berimond, there will now be status bubbles indicating the production status of the auxiliaries training ground
  • There will be a new optional mode in the construction interface, whereby upgradable buildings will be much easier to locate through a new icon that will proactively show which buildings can be improved. You will also have the option to hide your walls in this mode
  • Before joining an alliance, you will now be able to access the additional information on it by clicking on the alliance's name in the list of alliances
  • As part of our plan to reduce the amount of pop-ups players face upon login, we will also display the Alliance Tournament rewards in the multi-reward dialog
  • In the equipment dialogue, there will now be a chain visual to indicate that gems cannot be equipped to Heroes
  • The battle reports for conquer movements (Attack/defense; won/lost) has been optimized to show the correct text and display for the appropriate landmarks
  • In your alliance city, there will now be an icon indicating that by upgrading the city, players will be granted royal coin loot boosts.

ggempire-iconxtaakpngBug Changelog
  • Tutorial: Recruitment time is displayed incorrectly
  • Economy - Research: Double-click needed to close dialog after click on "Open research dialog"
  • Military - Copy loops: Resource availability color is based on the current castle and not the one of destination
  • Kingdoms - Slums: No pop-up dialog after buying random gems
  • Short-term events - Wheel of Fortune: Buttons to navigate through Jackpot prizes are not displayed properly when 3
  • Kings market: You have to close the ruby shop reward dialogue several times
  • Alliance - Chronicle: Alliance Chronicle only displays "has been increased" when royal coin boost gets upgraded
  • Messages - Nomad invasion mail: Title is not displayed in bold
  • Display - War of the realms: Rounding / run time counter displays two digits after the comma for remaining days of the war of the realms
  • Daily task - Espionage: Pressing on the espionage daily task "Show me" button in the island kingdom will open your own castle's ring menu
  • Events - Bloodcrow/Berimond/Samurai Invasion: Reward finisher closes after clicking the info button
  • Events - Nomad Invasion: The espionage window has a drop-down button that doesn't work
  • Events - Berimond: Defense tools already placed in castle defense display in kingdom transfer dialog
  • Building Info and Upgrade Dialog: Buildings are displayed incorrectly
  • Events - Travelling Knights: The plus and minus buttons are still clickable/not grayed out when only 1 relic piece is required.
  • Combined Event Reward Pop-up: Opening an info-i and closing it causes underlying windows to appear instead.
  • World Map - Attack Screen: movement dialog shows another unit when clicking continue on unit information.
  • World Map - Attack: Commander icon does not update when switching your commander to a different slot.
  • World Map - Preset attack: Event units are not placed
  • World Map - Alliance Bookmarks: Bookmarking a place twice causes wrong error message
  • World Map - Bookmarks: Laboratories cannot be bookmarked for the alliance in the Burning Sands and Everwinter Glacier
  • World Map - Espionage: After failed espionage, the wrong type of espionage is preselected when trying another espionage
  • Worldmap - Alliance - Player info: Player info window opens in the background/only opens when closing previous windows
  • ISO World - Resource bar: Numbers are rounded up in a way that is inconsistent with the storage capacity
  • Text - Alliance Smithy: Missing gem information
  • Text - Alliance Chronicle: Text is incorrect when donating one single resource, text uses plural instead.
  • Text - World Map - Attack: "Start espionage now" text is truncated
  • Text - Multi-Reward Dialogue: Text says "all rewards added to your inventory", despite some going to the alliance fund.
If you would like to ask questions about the update, or would like to mention any issues/bugs in the game that are pressing for you please let us know HERE in this thread.
The update should take place tomorrow between 11:00am and 3:00pm CET, more info to follow.
Best regards,
Your Empire Team

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