
A new threat rises against the great Empire! The Bloodcrow, twisted mirror images of castle lords hailing from strange worlds, are invading our realm! Rise up and rally your alliance against this new threat and attack the invaders' castles. Glorious warlords will be awarded with new and exclusive rewards!

General Information
  • This new event is available from level 10 onwards, in the Great Empire.
  • You can fight the Bloodcrows for glory points.
  • There will be a single player and alliance contest for this event.
  • The event mechanics are similar to the ones seen before in the War of the Realms. 
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  • The Bloodcrow’s castles will now appear on the world map and can be attacked. they will also attack you once per event.
  • Bloodcrow lords, like foreign castle lords, use a variety of defence setups for their castles.
  • Once you have defeated a Bloodcrow castle, it will disappear and a new one will spawn.
  • Players can attack and send spies against bloodcrows, but trade or any other kind of interaction is not possible.
  • They do not possess any outposts. But you can still attack a bloodcrow castle from your own outposts.
  • When attacking the Bloodcrows and when defending their attacks, Glory points can be collected. 
  • The points can then be used to earn rewards. In addition, there is new equipment rewards for the best players in the instance, and of course the top 1 player in the form of an exclusive decoration!
  • The full 9 piece equipment set will only be obtainable through playing both the single player version of the Foreign Invasion and the War of the Bloodcrows, and reaching top 50 in both events.

Alliance Contest
  • You can earn rewards by collecting points together with your alliance members!
  • If you are not in an alliance during this event, you won’t be able to earn points and rewards from this mode. However, you can join an Alliance while the event is active and start earning points immediately.
  • Earned glory points for both attack and defence count directly for the alliance contest.
  • If you are in an alliance or have joined an alliance while the event is running, the point counter will show the sum of all points collected by every alliance member.
  • An Alliance ranking will be displayed in the new event dialogue.
  • You collect glory points for the alliance you are currently in. If you leave an alliance, then the points you have already gathered will stay in the former alliance.
  • This means that you will only be able to get a specific reward once, you will not be able to carry your points over and get the same rewards again if you decide to switch to another alliance.
  • Rewards can be troops or a new decoration for alliance members, and coins and rubies for the alliance funds!


Other Changes
  • There will be a new button that will allow you to deselect all items and buildings within the Construction Item overview.
  • You will now also be able to obtain kingdom resources for your Alliance funds in the War of the Realms alliance version.
  • The old Foreign Invasion set is now available to obtain through activity rewards of both events. (War of the Realms & War of the Bloodcrows)
  • There has also been adjustments to the rewards for the single player Foreign Invasion.

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