
Brave Warriors,
Are you ready for an all-new epic journey of epicness? This November, we will bring you the most puzzling, challenging and invigorating experience ever seen in the Great Empire! New and exciting campaigns are waiting for you along with great rewards. For more information and details on what's to come among other things, keep reading below…

  Quest book redesign

  • The quest book has been re-designed in order to fit the new royal quest campaigns
  • It contains all currently active quests.
  • It still has different tabs to sort the quests for kingdoms but also for events, royal quest campaigns and the adventure quest chains.
    •  Event quests
      • Quests, which are bound to specific events like the nomad invasion for example
    •  Royal quest campaigns (detailed info below)
      • A campaign where each quest needs to be solved in a certain time
    •   Adventure quest chains
      • A chain of quests where each quest is harder as the last one but also the rewards are more valuable
  • Once a common quest is completed, it disappears from the quest book.

  Royal quest campaigns

General Info
  • In addition to your normal quests, you will have the chance to complete our brand new campaigns!
  • It is a special event where you can solve a time bound quest line to earn very powerful rewards!
  • You have to solve these quests in a specific order.
  • Every quest has its own timer but only one quest will be active at a time.
  • While a quest is active, you can only make progress for this specific quest.
    • Quests that start later gain no progress until they are active.
  • You get the quest rewards if you can finish them in time.
  • The next quest will start once the current quest timer runs out. You cannot start the next quest by yourself.
  • The status of the current quests can be seen in our re-designed quest book.
  • Once you have completed all quests, the final reward is all yours!
  • If you have no time to complete all the quests in a running royal quest campaign, you can buy the awesome final reward directly with rubies at any time.
  • You can get the final reward only once.
  • It can be exclusive decorations with high PO values, pieces of high-value item sets, exclusive construction items, etc.
  • If you purchased the final reward before the campaigns' end, you can still complete the open quests to get the quest rewards.
  • A quest can fail if you can’t complete it in time but it can still be finished by spending rubies to get at least the quest rewards.
    • Only quests which have the failed status can be resolved with rubies, active quests or quests which start in the future are not purchasable!
Are you curious about the final rewards for our first epic royal quest campaign? More content for this update will be revealed throughout this month, stay tuned! :)

Dear warriors,

Welcome to our second teaser for the next update. Prepare yourself, we’re starting with the huge re-balancing topic for our Cooldown system.

 Time skips and cooldown adjustments.

Due to our plan for long-term motivation and development in the game, we decided to re-balance the cooldown feature for event camps. When we introduced Legendary levels in the first place in 2014 the balance of the game was designed in such a way that every player will need a pretty long time in order to reach the maximum level. It was made intentionally difficult so that players will enjoy our game longer and will not get bored quickly by reaching the top and not knowing what else to do. After one year we introduced Time skips to help players to progress a bit faster as progress was a bit too slow and no more fun. Players love Time skips and we totally understand the reason why! But after analyzing the game behavior further we noticed that the balance of the game was broken as players could progress much more quickly than we were expecting because of a large number of time skips available. Of course, we do not want to take all the time skips away from you, we also refused to divide time skips into specific purpose driven categories (for example, you can only use specific skips events or other skips which could be applied to buildings) to control the situation better. We still want players to have the freedom of choice where they want to use their skips, however, the problem should still be solved. Therefore, we devised a different solution where we can control the process of player’s progression more easily to keep the motivation of players for a longer period and enjoy their gaming experience.

Time skips rewards changes:
  • The 5 hours and 24 hours time skips will be exchanged in the reward list with 30 minutes and 1 hour time skips. This adjustment will be applied for both individual and alliance rewards in all the events: Long-term points events, The Battle for Berimond, War of the Realms, War of the Bloodcrows, Samurai Invasion, Nomad Invasion etc.
  • The amount of these time skips will be higher in some individual rewards. For example, in the highest package of level 70 individual activity rewards for the Nomad invasion there are currently 5 times 5 hours and 5 times 24 hours time skips, and after this update, you will be able to earn 30 times 30 minutes time skips and 30 times 1 hour time skips.
  • We decided to award individual activity a bit more than alliance activity in the events. That is why individual rewards will contain a larger number of time skips compared to alliance rewards. Your individual effort will be praised better and you will be able to control the time skips obtainment more easily in this way. You will notice a drastic decrease in a number of time skips in alliance rewards.
  • In order to balance the activity in Nomad and Samurai invasions, we will increase the limit in the storage for all time skips which currently have a limit to 320 items.
  • The tiered booster offers for these events will also be adjusted as we will exchange 5 hours time skips with 1 hour time skips there. Players will be able to get more 5 hours and 24 hours time skips in shopping cart prime days for the same purchase of rubies.
Because of the reduction in the total time from reward time skips, we made some changes to the cooldowns for the Nomad, Samurai and Khan Camps:
  • The cooldown for all levels except the maximum level of the nomad and samurai camps will be completely removed! (for level 70+ players the maximum camp level is level 90) This means you’ll be able to max out your camps in record speeds!
  • If you win an attack against the highest level camp, you won’t have to spend ages waiting for it to be ready to hit again anymore. For example, defeating level 90 camp will trigger a 90 minutes cooldown instead of 5 hours 30 minutes currently. The amount of time on lower level max camps will be even less.
  • For the Khan camp the cooldown will be smaller for the lower levels of the camp and will increase with every attack as usual, but the highest levels will still have a high cooldown value.

 Monthly content package

  • We will implement a new Winter equipment set in this update. Players will only be able to see it from January onwards (approximately), therefore we will announce all effects and share a detailed description later on in the year, in one of our December teasers.
  • The architect has come up with an entirely new way to improve your Marketplace. With his help, you will be able to upgrade this building to level 8. And you will not need the support of the Architect to upgrade it to level 6 anymore. To upgrade the Marketplace to a new level 8 will cost you resources. 
  • The Researcher has also exerted himself with new stages for “Genius” research. Increases the speed of research.
    • 5 new levels → final level = 10
    • Lvl 6-10 → 5% (each level)
    • Purchasable for resources 

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