
Oooh yeah, summer is coming and war is once again upon us! That’s just how we like it in the Four Kingdoms! Let us celebrate this year’s summer season with a new long-term point event, new mechanics for tools management, reduced decay for gallantry points and...a new threat against King Eric! *dun dun dun*

This June only...the empire will burn!
Warriors, to arms! The time has come to drive back the hordes of evil, defend King Eric, and protect your kingdom! March together with your brothers and sisters in arms and fight the BATTLE OF NATIONS!
You can find all info about this battle and its rewards in this EXTRA thread.

But let's move on to other changes we will have this month...
New event: Festival of the Lotus King
  • Despite the upcoming war, the sultans of the Spice Islands have returned to the empire to celebrate the coronation of the new Lotus King. A grand festival will be held to honor their visit, with rewards of rare value granted to those who participate!
  • The long term point event is back, with a new style! Prepare yourself for the Festival of the Lotus King! Taking place throughout the summer, this colorful festival gives you the chance to win unique decorations, valuable equipment and other exciting rewards.
  • Battle your way through a series of invasions to earn yourself some scorching hot rewards.
  • You can win a new awesome 9-pieces set for your Commander and new decorations this summer. Can you imagine that?

Lotus engraved body armor
+15% travel speed
+17% longer until the enemy detects your army
+10% honor

Gilded zaghnal
-16% enemy gate protection
-15% enemy wall protection
+14% glory points

Turban of the Lotus King
-10% enemy moat protection
-10% enemy moat protection
+13% travel speed

Lotus pearl
-16% enemy wall protection
-15% enemy gate protection
+12% longer to detect army

Guardian of the Lotus King
+10% combat strength for all units in the courtyard
-30% wall protection of enemy castle lords
-20% moat protection of enemy castle lords

Fire lotus
+15% glory points
+10% combat strength of attackers in the courtyard
+5% soldier limit on your flanks during attacks on enemy castle lords

Emerald lotus
+10% resources looted
+10% soldier limit on your flanks during attacks on enemy castle lords
Increases the combat strength of attackers in the courtyard of an enemy castle lord by +5%

Ice lotus
+10% resources looted
+10% soldier limit on your flanks during attacks on enemy castle lords
Increases the combat strength of attackers in the courtyard of an enemy castle lord by +5%

Amethyst lotus
+15% glory points
+10% combat strength of attackers in the courtyard
+5% soldier limit on your flanks during attacks on enemy castle lords

Full set bonuses:
  • 2 out of 9   +15% travel speed
  • 3 out of 9   +15% longer to detect army
  • 4 out of 9   -35% enemy gate protection
  • 5 out of 9   -20% enemy moat protection
  • 6 out of 9   -35% wall protection of the enemy
  • 7 out of 9   +90% melee soldiers' combat strength
  • 8 out of 9   +90% ranged soldiers' combat strength
  • 9 out of 9   +30% combat strength of attackers in the courtyard

New Decorations:
Lotus pond (PO 205, 5x10)                      Garden of meditation (PO 230, 5x10)
  • Here is a little insight into the event schedule during the Festival of the Lotus King:
    • 1st - 5th of June - Foreign Invasion
    • 5th - 9th of June - Nomad Invasion
    • 9th - 13th of June - Bloodcrow Invasion
    • 13th - 18th of June - Samurai Invasion
    • 18th - 23d of June - Foreign Invasion
    • 23d - 27th of June - Nomad Invasion
    • 27th - 1st of July - Bloodcrow Invasion
 Gem Rework
  • A few weeks ago we shared details about the gem system rework, which can be found HERE.
  • But now we would like provide information about what the compensation will look like:
    • Everyone will have the chance to remove gems for free during a certain period of time.
    • Everyone over level 70 will receive a new trader camp that will offer a wide variety of gems and equipment items you can choose from.
    • This trader camp will be available for the duration of 4 Nomad and Samurai invasions with an additional two weeks at the end (roughly 10 weeks).
    • To obtain these, a new currency will be available for you. Everyone will be granted enough currency to obtain 2 or 3 of those items, based on the price of the pieces you are interested in.
    • Additionally, you can obtain more of this currency by exchanging your Samurai tokens and Nomads tablets for it in the Samurai and Nomads event shop.
    • After the update, all the players who purchased unique gems will get compensation based on the amount and type of gems obtained, without removing those gems from their accounts.
    • An ingame message will explain in details what the compensation consist of and the reason why you get a certain package. These messages will be customised for several groups of similar purchase criterias.  

ggempire-iconxtaakpng Tooltip effect display
  • All the commander or castellan bonuses will be displayed in a more convenient way. This will allow you to better understand the effects and how they are applied to the game.
  • All applicable bonuses will be grouped into categories. Furthermore, categories will contain groups where you can see in detail how the effects are calculated.
  • You can find the new effects display in attack-planning, defense-planning, detailed battle report, troop movement, spy-report tooltip and equipment management dialogues.

ggempire-iconxtaakpng New tool management mechanic
  • To make the procurement of tools more fair and comprehensible, we want to introduce a new mechanic!
  • When an enemy player captures one of your outposts, villages or monuments, you will no longer lose your unassigned tools. All unused tools will return to the main castle of the kingdom in which the battle took place.
  • Returned tools will go straight into your castle’s tool storage after your outpost, village or monument falls into enemy hands. From there, they can be assigned to your castle defenses or sent to any other of your remaining outposts, villages or monuments.
  • In the future there will also be possibilities for higher level players to be able to boost other players with tools in a fair way.

ggempire-iconxtaakpng Attack VS Defense rework
  • We want to improve the balance between attack and defence in game, therefore we will adjust some values of defensive units and gems.
  • For example, for the bonuses from the “Gem of the Rebellion” and “Gem of the Rampart” gems, each gem effect will be increased by 2%
  • Additionally we will improve some stats of the defensive units, like reduced recruitment time and costs, reduced food consumption, increase range or melee defence power.
  • To incentivise players to defend their castles the Glory you earn in defense will be increased.

ggempire-iconxtaakpng Other changes
  • As always, your feedback is important to us and thus we made several event prime days more suitable for some players.
  • The equipment trader filled up his stocks with even more precious goods. You can get material bags for construction items at the Armorer shop and gems level 6 to 11 at Equipment trader. The price for these items will be reduced and with this change you will also have more variety in our trader shops.
  • The decay of the Gallantry points will be drastically decreased. The maximum decay will be 7% from now on. You can find the full table in the comment below.

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