
The Invasion 

  • The Great Empire is being ravaged by a horde of wild nomads, a herald asks you for help in expelling the invaders!
  • On the world map are their nomadic camps at various stages. When you defeat them you can also collect their Khan tokens in addition to the usual raw materials, coins and equipment.
  • This Khan tokens can be traded to the Herald for valuable rewards.
  • The higher the level of the nomad camp, the more loot is held there.
  • The levels of the nomad camp which you will see dependent on the level of the player, so that players in each level range can participate.
  • Khan tokens can only be looted and not bought.
  • If the event is over, all collected Khan tokens remain until the next time it runs, so you can spend them then.
  • For this event there are new achievements to unlock.
  • Khan tokens can be swapped for equipment, tools, units and decorations.
  • The invasion is an event that will run for several weeks.

The following can be claimed in exchange for the Khan tokens:
  1. Very strong attackers, which are almost as strong as the demon warrior.
  2. Very strong defender, which are almost as strong as the King Guards.
  3. A good attacker for lower level players.
  4. A new version of the rams, fire arrows, ladders and bulwark.
  5. New tools for more glory and more loot.
  6. A defense and an attack tool that increases the combat effectiveness of melee troops.
  7. Four new decorations for different level ranges.
  8. There is a decoration that is slightly better than the castle garden.
  9. There is a very rare decoration, which is a little better than the festival square.
  10. A new unique piece of equipment that is accessible for low level players.
  11. Two very strong Kits for generals and castellans with high bonuses for melee and ranged soldiers.
  12. The set bonuses are for cooldown reductions for generals and a defense bonus against robber baron raids for castellan.

Soldiers Details


Cost for 25 units - 195 tablets


Cost for 10 units - 45 tablets

Cost for 10 units - 45 tablets



Tools Details

Cost for 5 tools - 20 tablets
Cost  for 5 tools - 30 tablets
Cost  - 95 tablets
Cost  - 25 tablets
Cost  for 5 tools - 30 tablets
Cost - 95 rubies
Cost - 91 rubies
Cost - 71 rubies

Cost - 63 rubies

Cost - 94 rubies

Cost - 98 rubies
Cost - 21 rubies

Cost - 98 rubies
Cost - 1080 Wood

Build Items

Cost - 1250 Tablets
Cost - 260 tablets (1) / 1040 tablets(4)

Decorative Items

Cost - 965 Tablets


 Equipment Details


Commander Equipments

Full Commander Set Details:-

  • Increases Combat strength of melee fighters by 57% 

  • Increases Combat strength of ranged fighters by 42%

  • Reduces Enemy wall protection by 20%

  • Reduces Enemy gate protection by 17%

  • Reduces Enemy moat protection by 14%

  • Increases Resources plundered by 10%

  • Increases Glory points earned by 18%

  • The army will be detected 22% later

  • Reduces the cool down after a victory by 20%


Castellan Equipments

Full Castellan Set Details :-

  • Increases Combat strength of melee fighters by 52% 

  • Increases Combat strength of ranged fighters by 42%

  • Increases wall protection by 20%

  • Increases gate protection by 17%

  • Increases moat protection by 14%

  • Increases Glory points earned by 13%

  • Detects incoming attacks 12% earlier

  • Provide a bonus of 20% when defending against robber barons.


New Commander Set Details

Commander Set
  • Increases the combat strength of your melee soldiers by 88%

  • Increases the combat strength of your ranged soldiers by 62%

  • Increases the combat strength of attackers in the courtyard of an enemy castle lord by 20%

  • Increases the combat strength of all units against outposts, capitals and trading metropolises by 10%

  • Increases the combat strength of all units against main castles, castles in kingdoms and foreign castles by 10%

  • The army will be detected 36% later

  • Increases glory points earned by 33%

  • Reduces enemy moat protection by 24%

  • Reduces enemy wall protection by 27%

  • Increases the travel speed of the army by 29%

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