
Dear Community,

with our next update you can expect the following changes:

The New Hospital

  • The hospital has been revised, thus making it's operations much more understandable.
  • A portion of all troops that are lost during battle will be automatically admitted to the Hospital as wounded. There you will be able to heal these injured units so that they can fight for you again!
  • However, units will only be sent to the Hospital providing there is space. If there is not enough space, only a portion of the troops will be admitted, and in turn survive.
  • Treating units in the Hospital is cheaper than hiring new units, but also requires more time.
  • Not only will the units injured from your attacks be admitted to the Hospital, but also injured units from your defense.
  • The Hospital can accommodate only a limited number of wounded. Despite this, the capacity is increased with each stage of upgrade.
  • In some stages of expansion you will receive a new slot for treating the wounded.
  • The research will now make it possible to treat more units per slot. However, this will not increase the number of surviving units after each battle.
  • Overall, the Hospital now has more levels to configure than previously, of which the first can be purchased with wood and stone.
  • Lords who already own a Hospital will be automatically upgraded to the appropriate new level.
  • There will always be a portion of troops that will survive an enemy´s attack when you are in the defending role. However, more troops will survive if you're low level and less will survive if you're of a higher level..


  • For each stage of the robber baron castles, the defense tools have been slightly adjusted.
  • In the "send resources between kingdoms" or "send troops between kingdoms" menu, there will now be a colored icons beside your castles to help you distinguish them.
  • We will introduce new graphics for the gate, towers and walls.

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