
Hello fellow warriors, 

Firstly, we thank you for all the feedback, as well as the constructive suggestions we received about the newly developed Khan event. With the upcoming update, we’ll add some reworked mechanics, as well as adjustments and necessary bug fixes. While we think the Khan event itself offers some really cool new mechanics, we apologize for any issues you may have encountered in the first iterations of the event running in-game. Below we have listed all changes, as well as all bugfixes related to the Khan event, since it ran for the first time. 

Medal reward calculation

The former medal reward calculation was not player friendly and caused a lot of frustration in regards to the actual outcome of medals. We reworked the calculation and increased the overall reward, including boosters & tools, but it should result in about the same as the previous amount.

Defense tools

The Khan camp defense tools were not applied as intended due to a miscalculation and this wrong behaviour will now be fixed. You should now be able to see the impact of using defense tools on your medals.
In addition, due to the above mentioned medal reward calculation changes, the bonus applied by tools will be lower than initially planned. 

Battle reports

Due to a miscommunication between the game server/client the amount of received medals shown at the battle report was wrong and in upcoming events the correct value will be shown as intended at the report. 

Khan vendor defense tools

The plunderers trunk vendor defense tools could be used on walls by mistake and this behavior has been changed; now they only work in the courtyard.

Khan attacks 

The Khan attacks sometimes came in with a double bonus and were too hard to defend. This has been fixed and the attacks should be much easier to defend from now on.

Random doubler of Khan rage

It’s possible to attack the Khan camps more often due to a random rage doubler by hitting the camps critically. This mechanic works as intended and some players are able to run chain attacks on the Khan camps - anyway, we’ll have a close look into how this mechanic is used and we’d like to get additional feedback on it. 

The current critical chances behave with the following values:

Camp LevelCrit Chance

You can discuss the update as usual HERE!


Your GGS Community Team

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