
Brave warriors,

It is almost September which means, another month and another update with a lot of cool stuff to come! But hold your horses, let us start slowly. As you know, we will publish parts of the new content one by one over the next couple of weeks until the release of the update.  So, without further ado...

  Increase equipment storage! (yes, again)

We previously mentioned to you that we were aiming to increase equipment storage with our next update. We know it’s something you have all been asking for a lot and you would like to see more space in equipment storage as soon as possible. Well, and now the part we didn’t just copy & paste from our previous patchnotes: We are happy to announce, that we will increase the equipment storage from 160 to 320 with the upcoming update! We think this is a good value to start with and gives you plenty of room for your old and new equipment.

  Battle Report Improvements

If you want to prevail in an alliance war you need to be at least one step ahead of your enemies. This can only be done with proper organisation. Co-ordination can be really tricky since not every piece of info is shown at the first glimpse in the battle report. Gathering all that info can be a pain in the emperor’s royal rump. But there is a way…
  • With this update we have made the organisation way easier for you.
  • The handling will be improved and the frustration decreased! YES! Go away you silly frustration!
  • You can now easily see where and when a battle took place!
  • Date, time and coordinates have been added to the upper left corner of your battle report!
  • Your alliance will stand tall after each war, if you use these changes wisely!

More content for this update will be revealed throughout this month, stay tuned! :)

You can discuss the update HERE

Your Empire Family Team

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